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Thursday, 31 March 2011

Here Are Three Things You MUST Take To The Gym With You!

Yesterday I talked about the three things you must NOT bring into the gym. Today I'll be discussing the three things you MUST bring to the gym:

1) Stopwatch - Rest intervals between sets/exercises is possibly one of the underestimated factors when it comes to training. Too little and you'll be insufficiently recovered, too much and the training response will be lost. As a general rule of thumb the shorter the rest intervals the greater the metabolic cascade. (i.e fat loss) The greater the rest the more neural recovery you'll have. (i.e training for strength)
Remember your rest intervals will help dictate the training response.

2) Training Log or Notepad - I see so many trainees lifting weights, bashing set after set out without recording their progress. This is such a dumb move as the likely hood of someone being able to remember their previous sessions, weights, sets and rest is extremely slim - invest in a notepad and start recording your sessions. You harvest results on data not guess work!

3) A Focused Mind - You'll find both endurance and strength improves when you enter the gym with a clear and focused mind. It's important you separate your personal/work life from the gym. If you can do that then you'll soon see your progress take off.
Training should be a time dedicated to YOU - don't let problems at work get in the way of your results!

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