For those of you who are not aware, I'm currently spending some time away in the US to further develop my training knowledge. I'm studying under world renowned strength coach Charles Poliquin, doing his level 2 and 3 strength certification program.
PICP Level 2 is devoted to lower body training for enhancing performace in athletes and their sports.
The information I'll learn will be vast and so important for my future development as a strength coach.
As a result I feel it's both, important and beneficial if I post up a new piece of information I've learned that day.
Todays Top Tip
The hamstring muscle (back of the leg) is comprised of three individual muscles (semimembranosus, semitendinosus, bicep fermois)
By varying the position and angle of the feet in a hamstring curl you will recruit a higher % of muscle fibre in one of the muscles in the hamstring than the other.
Feet inwards will recruit more of the medial hamstring (semimembranosus)
Feet outwards will recruit more of the lateral hamstring (bicep fermoris)
Feet neutral/pointing up will recruit more the mid hamstring (semitendinosus)