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Monday, 21 June 2010

PICP Level 3 Day 6

The higher your blood levels of vitamin B the less likely you'll be bitten by mosquitoes

Vitamin B2 and B6 helps to repel mosquitoes.
You'll also find the higher your level of toxicity the more you'll attract mosquitoes.
Mosquitoes love to feed off heavily toxic people

Sunday, 20 June 2010

PICP Level 3 Day 5

80% of a muscles recovery occurs within the first 10 minutes after training

It's vital that you consume your post workout shake within this 10 minute time window for optimal recovery

Friday, 18 June 2010

PICP Level 3 Day 4

A well design rotator cuff workout can increase punching power by at least 10% over 3 weeks

The rotator cuff muscles of the shoulder are often over looked in most people's training program. However they contribute to a lot of upper strength gains and help maintain shoulder health.
Add some external work into your program now!

PICP Level 3 Day 3

The overhead squat is the number one exercise that will determine possible lower body injuries

The overhead squat assessment can predict whether someone is likely to suffer from ankle and/or knee injuries as well as hamstring tears and/or lower back pain

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

PICP Level 3 Day 2

The best cardio exercises for burning body fat are as follows:
  • Cross-country skiing
  • Rowing
  • Running
  • Cycling

However be warned!
There is evidence out there that shows 6 weeks of continuous aerobic work, based on only performing it 2x per week will increase the risk of diabetes by 46%, from 'dirty electricty' given off from the equipment.

Monday, 14 June 2010

PICP Level 3 Day 1

Today was the start of PICP Level 3.
Topics covered in this module include:
  • Applied Strength Training
  • Supplementation for Sport Performance
  • Understanding Principles of Nutrition
  • Designing Effective Nutritional Plans
  • Understand Factors Influencing Energy System Prescription
  • Principles of Energy System Training
  • Know how to Help Prevent and Rehabilitate Upper and Lower Body Injuries
  • Know how to Design an Effective Short-Term Periodization Program

Today's Top Tip

Applied strongman training is the number training protocol for fat loss

By adding sled drags/pulls, farmers walk, car pushes, tire flips etc into your training program will have dramatic effects on your fat loss and body composition.

PICP Level 2 Day 5

The lower body needs less variation when it comes to training than the upper body

This means if you're training for strength over the next 6 weeks you may find you can stick with the same exercises for the lower body and still make progress. However the upper would soon start to regress and a change to the workout would be needed.

Saturday, 12 June 2010

PICP Level 2 Day 4

When performing the barbell goodmorning, by taking a wider grip will allow for a greater stretch to occur in the lower back and hamstrings.

(This should only be performed by people with good hip mobility)

Friday, 11 June 2010

PICP Level 2 Day 3

According to Dr Stuart McGill a professor of spine biomichanics, when performing either the deadlift or romanian deadlift, for every inch the bar is away from the legs, places a 7-fold increase in resistance on the spine.

Thursday, 10 June 2010

PICP Level 2 Day 2

Generally speaking, if you're forth toe along from the little toe is longer than the big toe, chances are you will never be a great sprinter.

The exact science is unknown, however all top sprinters seem to always have perfect proportions of their toes.

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

PICP Level 2 Day 1

 For those of you who are not aware, I'm currently spending some time away in the US to further develop my training knowledge. I'm studying under world renowned strength coach Charles Poliquin, doing his level 2 and 3 strength certification program.

PICP Level 2 is devoted to lower body training for enhancing performace in athletes and their sports.
The information I'll learn will be vast and so important for my future development as a strength coach.
As a result I feel it's both, important and beneficial if I post up a new piece of information I've learned that day.

Todays Top Tip

The hamstring muscle (back of the leg) is comprised of three individual muscles (semimembranosus, semitendinosus, bicep fermois)
By varying the position and angle of the feet in a hamstring curl you will recruit a higher % of muscle fibre in one of the muscles in the hamstring than the other.

Feet inwards will recruit more of the medial hamstring (semimembranosus)
Feet outwards will recruit more of the lateral hamstring (bicep fermoris)
Feet neutral/pointing up will recruit more the mid hamstring (semitendinosus)