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Saturday, 22 January 2011

This Weeks Top Tip

This is a top tip for anyone who finds it a problem remembering names, numbers, dates or even people's faces.
A lot of people believe that their ability to remember and retain information is down to perceptiveness and general brain activity. Little do they know that memory can be enhanced by eating the correct foods!
Brain cells, the primary component our brains are made out of, require what we call neurotransmitters to carry messages around.
Low levels of certain neurotransmitters can have impacts on our memory, specifically the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine and dopamine.

If you have a hard time remembering names and numbers it is a sign that you have a deficiency in the acetylcholine neurotransmitter.

For those of you who struggle to remember peoples faces it’s a deficiency in dopamine levels. 

If you are someone who struggles with the above then I've provided a short list below of the types of foods your diet should revolve around to help resolve the problem.

Here is a list of foods that help boost Acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter responsible for memory, concentration and focus:


  • Egg Yolks
  • Meat – Chicken, Beef, Pork, Mutton
  • Fish
  • Liver
  • Dairy Products – Milk and Cheese
  • Vegetables – Broccoli, Cabbage and Cauliflower have higher amounts
  • Pine Nuts and macadamias are particularly good if eaten at breakfast
  • Blueberries are also great at raising acetylcholine levels

Remember those clearly… and now for the next one.


Dopamine is responsible for learning, a very important feature that helps boost intelligent memory, the memory that contributes to your overall intelligence. A list of foods that boost this particular neurotransmitter:

  • Protein sources – Meat, Milk products, Fish, Nuts, Beans,

I often find this information to be invaluable to clients of mine who need great memory for their job e.g accountants, mathematicians, historians, lawyers, policemen etc

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